Contact Us

Hours of Operation:

Wednesday–Saturday 4-10pm
Sunday 12-6pm

3056 Roswell Street, Los Angeles CA 90065 (MAP)

(look for the bright orange door)



Food Trucks on Friday and Saturday (Usually from 7-10pm)

Trivia Night every second and fourth Wednesday of the month.

Women’s Beer Forum every third Wednesday.

Brewhouse Tours (free) Sundays at 1:00, 2:30, and 4:00. (No reservations needed, just show up!)
Growler fills are available any time during  taproom hours, but may be subject to a wait during busy hours.


For the most current info on events, beers, and new releases follow us via Facebook or Twitter:

For general questions: It’s often easier for us to respond more quickly to email rather than voicemail, drop us a line at Alternatively you can reach us at (323) 257-7866.

We are now distributing through Stone, to order please call: 760-471-4999 ext: 1980 for the order desk. Cheers!

27 thoughts on “Contact Us

  1. Hello,
    Mein name ist Hans Brewentrinker und I luff to drink ze beer.
    Not really, my name’s Don Howard and you know how I hate beer. It sounds like you two are really doing well with your dream and I’m as proud as a new Papa.
    Can’t wait to swing by for a sample. Enjoyed reading your blog and Ting’s beer belly one too. Keep up the fine work!

    Love and Peace,
    Donald R. Howard
    Consumer of Fine Beers (and not so fine ones too)

  2. Hello, I have been following your blog amongst others in my quest for knowledge in creating a small brewery myself in Santa Barbara County. I would love to pick your brain on your trials and tribulations, and take you both to lunch and/or try your beer. I promise not to take too much of your time. Jaime 805.886.9275

  3. Hello,

    My name is James Wenzel and I am a graphic designer that specializes in design for breweries and brew pubs. I am wondering if I could have a current address and a name of the person I should contact in order to send you some information about my services. If you would rather not receive anything in the mail please visit my website to see what I can do creatively for your brewery at Thank you for your time, and keep brewing great beer.

    James Wenzel

  4. Dudes…. Grey type on black background sucks!!
    Suggest immediate change on that.

    So what do I have to do to earn my own barstool?
    Can I call on city scheduler to move this along- I needs to get my drink on.

    MYRNA will drink her body weight in beer for shizel while the bar dice will roll.

    Bring it boys

  5. thanks alot for the brewery info. My brother and i are also getting a brewery started with dairy tanks and got some already and your info really helped out thanks. good luck look how good ken grossman did with his diary equipment

    • Hi Will,
      Glad you’ve found some useful information here. One thing I’ve learned about purchasing used dairy equipment is to get as much documentation as you can on the tanks when you buy them. We’re currently scrambling to find any kind of specs on our tanks because, even though they are in good shape, they are pretty old. And the LA County Health Dept won’t approve our plans until we can show them some documentation on our tanks…which does make for some frustrating times. We have had some luck calling a few dairy equipment auctioneers and resellers though, but there are still a few tanks we need info on.
      Best of luck to you and your brother!

  6. Hello Eagle Rock Brew !
    My mails to are coming back. I try it this way.
    Next week from 11 till 19 April we will do a SoCal beer trail with mobilhome.
    On Saturday 18 April, we do the region of Pasadena, an want to try to hit Eagle Rock Brew.
    Any chance if we could visit your brewery that day ?
    Details trip:
    The objective is to take as many pictures as possible to publish on the internet.
    We will carry Trappist Westvleteren !!!!
    Katrien, Thierry, Bianca, Filip

  7. hey welcome to our neighborhood!!! i am so woohooo !! about you being here.keep in touch we me so ill know when you open ill bring my family and friends cheers friend, lynda

  8. Was in your area yesterday so took a run by. Foud no lifeforms or signs of life, Any idea when you might get started and where can I go to get some of your coasters (the red and white one)?

  9. Right on you guys! You have made some amazing progress. I can almost taste it … and it tastes goooooood! Let’s get our drink on.

    Don Howard
    Honorary Californian

  10. i’m sure this has been addressed before, but i just found out about you guys….why ‘eagle rock’ brewery, when your location points glassell park? i’m a proud resident of glassell park, so just wondering. otherwise, congrats and look forward to the fruits of your labor!

  11. I should have been working all afternoon, but instead, opted to read your blog in it’s entirety. AWESOME read. I want nothing more than to do exactly what you have done, and you laid out a pretty solid chunk of reality for me to ponder. Hopefully the bureaucracy in Philly will be just as bad too;) Good Luck!

  12. Hi Jeremy and Ting!

    I had a lot of fun visiting your brewery and chatting with you guys last night! I just wanted to drop a few lines to say hello and I love what you are doing, especially the “for the people” slogan! :]

    When will you guys have another beer judging class? Very interested in attending.

    Happy brew day!

  13. Hi,
    We just read in the newspaper about your Brewery and we have lived in the area all of our lives….we are hoping to visit soon..We are trying to find out what time you are open and what days. Thank you

  14. Just wanted to drop a line and say thanks for all of the bad ass brews!!! Big fan of your work.
    If you ever need a helping hand around the brewery, my business partner, Chris and I will be more than happy to lend some brute force your way.

  15. Hey guys – Love the beer. Wondering if you do any sort of event sponsoring. Would love to have some of your beer for an event tomorrow. Feel free to shoot me an email. Tried to send you an email , but it bounced back. Also left you a voicemail with my phone #. 🙂

    Cheers – Kym

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